Sunday, February 15, 2009

people and a Myiarchus

Spent the morning, in fact over shot my allotted time. ! With a most splendid group of people I would love to join and bird with. My kind of folks the, "MOT MOT" gang.It was just a joy to be amongst a diverse group of folks who, how they all met and stay together I would never know, but what a perfect bunch to spend a morning with. Truly lovers of birds, not pursuers of birds. I tip my hat to them, only birded a half a morning but it was like I was back with my bird club in Blythe.Best thing of the year.
Headed into Mayflower, Myiarchus on the wires, then into Joes yard, 9 pairs of eyes cameras clicking. It is on my phone pole wire now, the light is worthless, and its call, once the wind dropped is odd. Not the bold PPPPPRRRRRRTTTTTTTT of spring.I leave it right there. I have all day tomorrow to mess with it. Interesting if you start looking into bird distribution from the more "under birded areas" . Writers of books quote writers of books who quoted writers of books who got their quotes from someone who scribbled "Ash Throated Flycatcher ( giant marmalade stain ) Hm, looks like "come on, in spring and all in winter saw many yesterday". On the back of a page from his bible in raccoon blood Not a clue as to the relevance but you are paid to guess. I know bin there done that with medieval marriage documents. When in fact he wrote "Ash Throated Flycatcher ! come on, inspiring alan pinter play. Saw mates yesterday". Winter distribution along the LCRV, is tied in to a lot of that.Will tack on some pics regards RH and doglets

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