Sunday, August 9, 2009

What a neat day in Blythe

Nothing spectacular but a couple of neaties. Continuing "You name it Sandpiper !",I am batting o.oo on my recent calls. I am going Bairds ! Flycatchers shewing up, at least 20 Ash Throats, Wiilow, NOT touching that one with a ten foot pole empid, W W Peeewee, finally got a decipherable picture of a BGBeak, and a Begging ist fall transient juv hatch year race indeterminate Lark Sparrow with parent, you can see he is looking at the adult like. Who brought this idiot. A number of my pictures are not Nat Geog quality, but a lot are hand held, some with 750 mm. I crop and sharpen thats it, if I feel the need. I also try to put some life into the birds. Hell you pay for what you get. Talking of which. If you see a picture you like let me know, and I will e-mail you the original in full size so you can mess with it. I don't give a shit . I don't own the birds, and I get a lot of fun from chasing them around my patch. And if you enjoy, thats payment enough !
I am not a real photographer so I will not stamp my name in red ink through the picture. Copyright. Crap. Please read that "Copy ? Right on dude."
Now that I have found a reasonably,rapid way/size to download pics . Will return to a new canvas, and blog. This effort only took me one side of Mike Oldfields Golden Anniversary edition remastered CD edition of "Tubular bells" to download. Much swifter than the entire Alllman Brothers "Eat a Peach" on vinyl. From last time. It is good to have an intelligent time scale

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