It is a beautiful sunrise, I am peering at as I type. All the dust in the air from yesterdays dust blow makes the whole sky wild salmon pink/dyed orange farm raised salmon. Hmn I intend to submit those two colours for the next crayola name a colour competition. Now I think back I never did get any credit for "Goose turd green", actually an accepted clothier colour in England a century or two ago.Greatness gets shruged off.Stunning temp flip flop again. AC set at 79. Outside 71.All doors and windows open !It made it to 112 yesterday.You do the math. Flat calm, could be an all or nothing birding morning.
Oh Warning.
Going to put together a file of birds eating stuff.Why? Because school is starting, we will have a slew of "Dedicated idealist "You know" student teachers from La Jolla" who only got the job the day before,because they are naive are looking for a condo with a view of the river, and have not been further East than The El Cajon shopping mall unless it was in an ac equipped aeroplane, and they were going sking in Aspen or summering with Gramps in the Hamptons, and who will be in hysterics in 2 weeks, and La Jolla by Thanksgiving and I am an asshole This afternoon. Double WHY?? Because I put them on the staff refridgerator door, where they stash their lunches. Got to toughen up, or we will be missing half the newbies next year Got to find my Bald eagle tearing into a Raccoon pic
You are warned
Gone birding Roger
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