Sunday, June 14, 2009

What happened to Saturday ?

Some how I was involved in a bunch of, "It will just take a minute" projects
DO NOT believe it. Some how the head of sherrifs, perfect neighbour Joe and I got conned into moving corrals.. Why do women with horses think that redecorating discussions apply to dragging 20 foot four rail galvanized pipe corrals around in 98 degree heat. "Do you think it would be better there?" "Well the tree gives it shade" " "But lets put them over here" "No, you know if we had them realign them with the geomagnetic flux pattern, we could....
Finally escaped
Incredibly bird less. 1 least 1 Gtr Legs being birds of the PM
Well it is 68 F on the porch, and essentially six am. Fish Farm, cemetery, sewage plant and Kellys. Then ad lib after that. Will make a species list around noon, and post, with some pics. Thinking 35 will be pushing it


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